The Crazy Red Haired Lady
The Crazy Red Haired Lady is an Animal Communicator, Psychic/Medium, Intuitive, Empath, Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Therapy, Blogger, and Creator of Organic and Reiki infused Baths, Teas, and Spritzers.

Animal Whispers
Kathryn will answer your questions about your pets live on The Spirit Realm Network. Check her out on Tuesday evenings at 8pm eastern.
What is Animal Communication
Crazy Lady Blogs
It's "supposed " to be Crazy....
My first Christmas without Pete was horrible. Even that word doesn't do the heartache justice. The second Christmas wasn't much better. But I came to understand that I couldn't go back to...
A Crazy glance in the rear view mirror...
Hurrah is 2020! I have seen so many people posting their collages like glimpses of their life in a ten year time span. I or course had no desire to...
Magical Inspirations
I started this blog to express where my inspiration comes from and why I create the way I do. In this space there will be music, lyrics, squirrels, random musings,...
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